28 Year Old With Depression & Complex PTSD

The following is a true account of a client that completed a series of SLIP Emotional Resilience Building sessions.

Overview:  28 year old man who has suffered his entire life with feeling depressed, overwhelmed, and often suicidal who's life completely changed after 3 months of therapy.

Problems & Symptoms

  • Severe early childhood trauma
  • Insecure bonds with primary caregivers
  • Could not remember ever feeling happy
  • Low motivation
  • Low self-esteem
  • Highly intellectual but overwhelmed by his feeling of being stuck
  • Unable to handle even small emotional upsets
  • Dissociation and depression
  • Hospitalized for suicidal ideations immeditely prior to beginning SLIP Emotinal Resilience Building

Treatment Before SLIP-Emotional Resilience Building

  • Years of talk therapy
  • Years of being medicated for his mood
  • Tried EMDR and trauma counseling
  • Multiple inpatient stays for treatment of profound depression and suicidal thoughts
  • Unable to maintain a job or go to school
  • Little enjoyment of life
  • Low self-esteem
  • Significan core belief wounds

SLIP Emotional Resilience Building Experience

  • Treatment included a combindation of cannabis assisted, and ketamine assisted online sessions with weekly individualized emotional resilience building exercises
  • 18 consecutive weekly or biweekly online sessions

Transformational Moments

  • Able to feel happy "for the first time" after 4 sessions
  • Able to enroll in school after 6 sessions
  • Improved relationships with estranged family members after 2 months
  • Able to support others emotionally after 2 months
  • Interviewing for work
  • Resolution of suicidal thoughts

A Word About Depression

In our model, "depression" is not the focus of the sessions. It is a symptom of unresolved emotional wounds caused by intensely sad experiences.

By helping clients heal their deep emotional wounds, they move beyond the limitations and stigma associated with their clinical diagnosis. When clients no longer feel bad because of their emotional wounds, isolation and self-criticism, they become more grounded, confident, connected, and able to create a life they enjoy.
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