Case In Progress: Older Woman with Schizophrenia

The following is a true account of a client that is receiving online SLIP Emotional Resilience Building sessions.

Overview: 65 year old woman with a 40 year history of schizophrenia who is more positive, motivated, and having a significant reduction in auditory hallucinations and resolution of paranoia.

Problems & Symptoms

  • Emoitonal and physical abuse in childhood
  • Unhealthy bonds with primary caregivers from childhood
  • Many intensely emotional traumas throughout her life
  • Derogatory auditory hallucinations
  • Substance Abuse
  • Law enforcement encounters
  • Social isolation
  • Uncomfortable in groups or around new people
  • Chronic pain syndrome
  • Insomnia
  • Multiple significant health problems
  • High risk relationships

Treatment Before SLIP-Emotional Resilience Building

  • 40 years of taking medications that made her feel emotionally numb, and had other unacceptable side effects
  • Off and on talk therapy
  • Self-medicating with drugs

SLIP Emotional Resilience Building Experience

  • Unmedicated and cannabis assisted sessions
  • Significant improvement beginning with the second session
  • Experienced weeks at a time free of auditory hallucinations after the second session
    Has only completed one month out of 4 anticipated months of online emotional resilience building care.

Transformational Moments

  • Decreased frequency, intensity and intrusiveness of auditory hallucinations and paranoia after the second sessions
  • Improvements continue to build with each session
  • Increased self-confidence
  • Increased mental clarity and focus
  • Working on healing generational traumas
  • Improved ability to parent and grandparent
  • Appreciating increased meaning and connection in life
  • Improved relationships with family members

A Word About Schizophrenia

In our model, "schizophrenia" is not the focus of the sessions. It is regarded as a symptom of intense unresolved emotional wounds caused by numerous adverse experiences beginning in childhood and continuing throughout life.

By helping clients heal their deep emotional wounds and build emotional resilience, they move beyond the limitations and stigma associated with their clinical diagnosis. When clients no longer feel bad because of intense anxiety, depression, rage, isolation and self-criticism, they become more grounded, confident, connected, and able to create a life they enjoy.
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