SLIP™  Emotional Resilience Building Package

Save $100 when you buy a subscription. Sessions are scheduled at weekly intervals. May be cancelled at any time. 
What We Offer

Benefits of this subscription plan

Unique learning experience

You will not learn just by watching many hours of videos. We are offering interactive courses with different media and quizzes, to improve your knowledge.

Satisfaction guaranteed

Studying with us will help you learn how to create, capture and deliver value in a digital world. You'll leave with smart strategies to optimize your performance and satisfaction.

Expert instructors

Our instructors do a great job of communicating and making it a more intimate arrangement. They are supportive and responsible in returning emails.

SLIP™ MindFlow Virtual Therapy Package

Save $50 on each session when buy a subscription. Sessions are scheduled at weekly intervals. May be cancelled at any time. Includes free access to the SLIP™ MindFlow Healing & Peak Performance Excercises for 30 days.

Course Director
Background: Stanford University School of Medicine
Founder: SLIP™ Somatic Resilience Coaching

Mignon Walker MD

Emotional resilience became my personal passion during the intensly stressful COVID epidemic. It became painfully clear how stress and overwhelm were at the root of broken relationships and increasing mental health struggles. With this in mind, I developed the patent pending healing sequences used in SLIP™ Somatic Resilience Coaching.   

My goal is to increase the number of emotionally resilient people on this planet. This is the fastest and most significant way I can positively impact humanity and to relieve the greatest amount of suffering. 

If you are interested in receiving a private online session or in training with me, reach out.  I look forward to connecting with you.
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